Terms of service

Welcome to Muhau Apparel. Thanks for browsing our content. Just a few things to note before working with us. Please read through these guidelines. We look forward to working with you :)

1. Returns and refunds

Please ensure that orders are processed correctly before collection. The store shall not refund you on wrong orders, however, we will try to adjust your returned order to the best of our ability.

2. Payments

We do not accept Blue/Easy wallets as a form of payment. Please do make of our FNB account for all payments.

3. Shipping

We courier nationwide (Namibia) at an extra fee to be determined by the courier service. We use Nampost. Orders outside our borders will be treated the same, at an extra fee depending on the freight service.

4. Lay-buys

Laybuys are to be fully paid in 2 months. Failure to settle outstanding fees will result in reselling of the items for the remaining price only. No refund shall be given to customers once a lay buy order has commenced.

5. Orders / Service

Orders are only processed once a 50% deposit is received.